

  My experience has been very good, the English teachers I have had during college have been the best teachers and the best people I have ever met, one more than others. Very good people, very grateful for their teachings, when they teach me English, I feel like I am transported to a country in Gringolandia. But on the other hand it has been a little sad that it has been online, this gives me the motivation to continue learning on my part, because online I feel incomplete. In the aspects of English I still need a lot of improvement, pronunciation and especially listening. I think it must be because of my low motivation to listen to music in English, watch movies in English, do more things in the field of English language. I still have a lot to learn English, a lot to practice, and sometimes I feel pressured to learn more. I need to leave the university speaking English hahahah. The truth of things outside of English classes I don't use it much more than reading posts, memes in


In the study plan of my career I find it quite good and particular due to the complexity of the subject, it is an acceptable period of 5 years, the only bad thing about the study plan is that failing a branch of one semester can cost you up to two years , for the practices that are at the end of the year, or at the beginning of the next academic year, this must change, in the field of practices they should not be so demanding, for failing a branch, I have not been going to practice for two years and also I know cases of other colleagues who owe many practices due to arrears and should in that case be more flexible. In infrastructure it is something old, it should be something more modern, but it is beautiful, it looks like a forest and I love it, all the people who enter the campus fall in love, it is so green, you can breathe fresh air. It has a wide field to play soccer, rugby, basketball, swimming, among other sports. You can relax anywhere, eat anywhere, it's the best, the spac

post 6, travel time

  Time travel is something that makes me very curious to know what could happen if someone goes to the past or to the future. If I could I would love to go to the past to live the times of the 80's and 90's, to feel and live the parties of that time, to be living in the United States, to try to make friends with the great stars of that time, leonardo dicaprio, michael jordan, michael jackson, etc. I would be very happy to be a celebrity like them, my way of approaching them would be to predict the future as I would travel to the past with all the answers. I would love to stay there, make my life there, it would be something so cool where the past times were better.  But on the other hand I would also love to go to the future a few hours after the lottery results are announced, so I could write down the numbers and travel to the past to buy a ticket and put the result I wrote down in the future, and bam I would become a multimillionaire. And as a final point, it causes me a grea

Post 5, My future job

  I imagine my future work in a workshop where wood is worked, a workshop in which they make furniture, chairs, clocks, doors, and all kinds of material that is composed of wood. This can be outdoors or as an indoor job as well. I intend to travel a lot in this job to do business deals in different parts of the country, and I hope broadly across the continent. I would love to have a good salary, since I would like to be the owner and owner of the workshop, and thus over time, create and sell real estate made of wood. For this I need to earn a good salary to be able to invest very well. The specialty I want to study is wood, which would help me a lot in what I want to focus on in the future, the work of this same. In short, I would love to be a type of craftsman who makes unique pieces of wood, that wealthy or famous people ask me for a special piece of wood for their homes and I be the only one to make it in such a way that they only want my pieces of wood. , hahaha it may be a bit g


 All I expect from forestry engineering is to graduate later, have my degree, and risk everything, to go live in the extreme south of Chile, to be specific, to Puerto Natales, I went there recently, and I simply fell in love with the city, going there is the best thing that has happened to me in my life. It is the most beautiful place I have ever visited. I believe that there is work in that place for what I study, because it has quite a lot of national parks, national monuments, natural reserves, close by. It is a dream come true to go there and imagine that I can work in that beautiful place, in the institution most longed for by a forester, which is the conaf. It is wonderful to think something like that, the only bad thing about being a forester is that it is usually far from the family, but sometimes we have to risk something, to be able to win too. Sometimes I think and there is nothing better than working in the same nature, with little stress and with fresh air

POST 3 : HAIRCUT. blog 3

  This is me at school, I was 15 or 16 years old, I upload this photo, since all my life, they have experimented with me haircuts, friends, family, neighbors who are practicing or studying hairdressing. I always went to school with a very horrible hairstyle, everyone bothered me, this situation still made me laugh, and I had to ask the teachers for permission to let me wear a hat inside the class, so that my haircut would not be seen horrible, they empathized with me because it really was horrible. The one who was my girlfriend at that time, she always bothered because they cut my hair like that, I understood her, anyone would be ashamed to be next to someone with an ugly haircut, hahaha, what memories. I will always remember this haircut as the worst of all, it was my cousin who was studying, and she was wrong with the number of the machine. But now that I'm going to college and I'm older, I would never lend my head again so they could learn to cut their hair haha

POST 2: my favourite vacation

  The best vacation I had was at the beach, I went on vacation for a month with my uncles and cousins, I was 14 years old, we went to the beach that is in the commune or city of Los Vilos, we did many things, the house was in front of the beach, so we bathed all night and spent all night on the same beach, we did many but many mischief, to the point that the neighbors called the police all night, but we could not do anything because we were minors.  It was the second time or 3rd time that I went with my cousins and uncles, I had a great time, I remember that one weekend two friends of my cousins arrived, and that weekend my uncles were not there, so we had a big party that ended in a pitched battle with some people dressed up as Mickey mouse, Barney, etc. I was one of the youngest of the group since at that time I was 14 and my big cousins and their friends were 23 years old approximately, we laughed a lot, we had parties every night and we got drunk. It was the best so far because I w